Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sanding the Freaking Ceiling

I'm sanding my ceiling today...........

About a year ago, our upstairs toilet broke.  This made our downstairs ceiling fall in.  

Now, 11 months later, I've finally decided to sand & paint the downstairs ceiling.


If you have never sanded drywall by hand, it has certainly got to be one of the longest processes known to man.  I was watching the History Channel a couple of days ago.  They were examining the Egyptian culture & talking about how after they built the 1st few pyramids, one of the Pharoahs made it his life-long goal to build a smooth pyramid.  

The 1st one.... failed.  The 2nd one.... failed.  Each pyramid took tens of thousands of slaves to build......YEARS & YEARS of planning, blood, sweat..........

The 3rd one.... finally..... didn't cave in.  In the eyes of the Egyptian people he became a god because of his achievement.

I know that I am probably going to be feeling pretty proud this evening if all goes well.  I don't know if the wife & tater tots will think of me as a god..... but hopefully they will be proud of my hours of  sweat and bloodshed.  :)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Best Wife Ever

I love my wife.  She keeps me stable. :)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Reading with Madison

So, today, Kasie & I are taking turns reading "Wind & the Willows" with Madison.  She just started private school & they gave her 2 weeks to read a 250 page book.  WOO HOO!

The 1st time she "read" it, well, she didn't really read it.  So now we are sitting by her side as she reads it; making corrections as she goes so we KNOW that she is reading.

Oh, the joys of parenthood.  I am beginning to remember what it was like to be a kid.  My parents had to do the same thing I am doing now with my kids.  It is actually kind of bittersweet; there are so many other things I be doing.  At the same time, I know it is helping her & it is nice spending time with her like this.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Lesson Learned

Follow the rules..... not your emotions.  Because what you feel isn't always what's right.  I'm glad I've learned this lesson so I can still focus on what is truly important in life:

-Loving others more than myself.
-Being a dedicated husband & a father FIRST.
-Protecting my heart and not my ego.

Thank God that there are still men and women of God from the generation before mine that, while they will certainly make random human mistakes from time to time, still value & teach the importance of principals like these.  

Thank God that I am learning to conquer rebellion & walk in the things that God has truly ordained specifically for me.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Blog one

Hey everyone.  Not sure why I'm really doing this.  My wife just started one & I'm sort of looking for an excuse to get off of My Space so............ here-a-goes.

I'm almost 30.  

I have a career that I like, but I'm coming to realize that I don't think I'll ever be satisfied b/c that's just the way I'm built.  Not saying that I'm not content or happy with my life because I certainly am.  But I've noticed that I tend to need a change every once & a while.  But, at the same time, that doesn't mean that I have to make a change.  Make sense?  I guess I'm just learning to deal with myself or my "flesh"; it likes to be the outcast.  

I'm getting ready to start Bible college so that's pretty cool.  I work at a church so I guess it was bound to happen eventually.  But I really feel like one of these days my wife & I will have a church.  God has really placed me in quite the learning environment at my current church.  I feel like I get to experience so many things there.  For the record: working at a church isn't probably what you'd expect.   There can be quite a bit of drama; a different kind of drama that "normal" jobs for sure.  But DEFINITELY not any easier to deal with even though it is "the church".  

I absolutely love that place though because it is family.  People really look out for each other for the most part.  It reminds me of home because we're our own small town but with WAY more black people. 

"I love black people!"
-Jerry Maguire

I'm still trying to find myself there; I think that's a healthy thing though.  Recently I've had a hunger for Church History which certainly tells me what I don't want to be for the most part.  Funny, really shouldn't be that way.  But people have done some TRULY jacked up stuff "in the name of Jesus" over the past 2000 years.... myself included.  I know it can be better though.  And throughout history, there were always a choice few who really seemed to have their stuff together.  I so desperately would like to be one of the few who represent Christ on this earth the way He intended it to be.

So that's what I felt like saying tonite.  I'm sure you'll hear so much about many other wonderful things that happen in my life.  My fantastic wife & 2 kids (#3 on the way).  

